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Posture Medic

Item Number: PP-POST

$25.00 Regular Price: $50.00 (You Save $25 )
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Improve Your Posture With Posture Medic™  

Posture Medic™ is specifically designed to help you overcome your poor posture habits and retrain your body to stand up straight with our easy Stretch – Strengthen – Stabilize program.

Using the Posture Medic for our short and simple 10 minute stretch and strengthen program improves your range of motion and upper body strength. This lets you straighten up and stand tall naturally. Then, by wearing the Posture Medic as a dynamic brace, you retrain your body to maintain the ideal position; head up, straighter neck & back, an open chest, and shoulders back & down. You’ll feel the difference in just one use

Posture Medic is designed to strengthen, lengthen, and stabilize the upper spine. Poor posture from excessive time spent Watching TV,  Sitting at a Computer,  and Driving can create tight chest and front shoulder muscles and weak upper back muscles.

Posture Medic can help correct the muscle imbalances by strengthening the back muscles, stretching the chest muscles, and stabilizing the posture neuromechanically.

How to Use


Original Strength, Small to X-Large: Suitable for 75% of patients. Ideal for inactive and active lifestyles.

Plus Strength, Small to XLarge:Suitable for patients that regularly strength train or are athletes.

We recommend to start out with the Original then when you are proficient with that then step up to the "PLUS sizes" for a more resistant stretch. 

The amazing device that helps you strengthen weak muscles, stretch tight muscles, and stabilize your upper body; creating perfect posture!

Your body is in alignment and in balance when you practice good posture. An ideal posture is a finely-tuned combination of all of the upper body muscles and spine working together.

Wearing a Posture Medic exerts a force on your upper body that makes you aware of how you stand, sit and move. As awareness is the first step to making improvements, the Posture Medic makes it easy to pay attention to the patterns in how you move in everyday situations such as working at a computer and driving a vehicle, etc.

The Posture Medic will become an excellent reminder tool while you are wearing it. It will help you train your body to maintain a better posture without thinking about it. In order to train and enhance all of the necessary muscles for good posture so that maximum long-lasting benefits can be achieved, we provide easy and simple posture exercise programs to stretch, strengthen and stabilize muscles. Please select the program appropriate for your level of fitness. The key to improving is to do the exercises consistently. 

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PosturePerfector Do:

  • Do view all videos and how-to pictures in the booklet that comes with the package.
  • Do follow instructions.
  • Do begin by wearing only 15 minutes per day to assess body’s imbalances.
  • Do begin by doing basic stretches 1x per day for 5-15 seconds to assess tightness.
  • Do begin by doing basic exercises 1x per day 15 repetitions to assess weakness.
  • Do use the Postureperfector as a reminder to keep good posture.
  • Do basic exercises and stretches daily.

Posture Perfector Do Not Do:

  • Do NOT wear for longer then 30 minutes at a time.
  • Do NOT continue to wear if any tingling in arms begins (immediately remove).
  • Do NOT continue to wear if any pain or pinching arises (immediately remove).
  • Do NOT count on the posture perfector to fix your posture just by wearing it, you must do the stretches and exercises to gain long term success.
  • Do NOT use the Postureperfector for ANY other purpose than is expressed through our instructions found in the booklet.

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