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Yeast/Fungal Detox

Item Number: DS-YF

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Detox, with Dr. Sierra’s Naturals Yeast/Fungal Detox

Black Walnut is shown to combat Candida better than several commercial antifungal drugs. The bark, husk and leaves of the Black Walnut tree have been used as medicine for centuries in North America – the bark for toothache, the inner bark as a laxative, the juice for ringworm and the leaves for bedbugs and mites.

Oregano is used for respiratory tract disorders such as coughs, asthma, croup, and bronchitis. It is also used for gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as heartburn and bloating. Other uses include treating menstrual cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, urinary tract disorders including urinary tract infections (UTIs), headaches, and heart conditions.

Garlic is used for many conditions related to the heart and blood system. These conditions include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, heart attack, and “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis). Some of these uses are supported by science. Garlic actually may be effective in slowing the development of atherosclerosis and seems to be able to modestly reduce blood pressure. Some people use garlic to prevent colon cancer, rectal cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. It is also used to treat prostate cancer and bladder cancer.  Garlic has been tried for treating an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia; BPH), diabetes, osteoarthritis, hayfever (allergic rhinitis), traveler's diarrhea, high blood pressure late in pregnancy (pre-eclampsia), cold and flu. It is also used for building the immune system, preventing tick bites, and preventing and treating bacterial and fungal infections.

NOTE: This product's formula was designed to help remove Candida from the body, but you can assist by removing all foods that contain yeast or those in fermentation. Avoiding all kinds of sugar (including fruit and juices) refined flours, wheat products, natural sweeteners such as agaves or unprocessed honey. During a cleaning of Candida, avoid alcoholic beverages, nuts, nuts, mushrooms, cheese, pickled vegetables and soy sauce.

NO corn, soy, wheat, gluten, yeast, sugar, milk, egg products, starch, preservatives or dyes added.  GLUTEN FREE

Required FDA disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to prevent, treat, cure, mitigate, or diagnose any disease.

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