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Sinus - Sinus & Allergy Support

Item Number: PB-SA

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Sinus - Sinus & Allergy Support 60 ct

Designed to support the healthy function of the lining of the sinus and respiratory tract. The natural ingredients in this formula support the body body with classsic symptoms of congestion, swelling, runny nose, headache, and itchy eyes.

All Natural Herbal Sinus Allergy Formula | Ephedra-Free
Supporting Healthy Sinus & Respiratory Function 

ACTION: Designed to support healthy function of sinuses and respiratory tract. This is an ephedra-free formula. Targeting both symptoms and cause, it’s formulated to support those suffering from classic sinus and allergy symptoms. Also contains herbs to support the immune system and other ingredients with antiviral properties. 

Required FDA disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to prevent, treat, cure, mitigate, or diagnose any disease.

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BITTER ORANGE EXTRACT (Citrus Aurantium): Over the centuries bitter oranges have been highly valued for their food and medicinal properties. Bitter orange contains important neuroactive amines such as synephrine, octopamine and tyramine. Synephrine and octopamine are similar to the catecholamines, noradrenaline and adrenaline found in the sympathetic nerve fibers. The most active constituent of Citrus aurantium L. is synephrine. Synephrine works as an anti-inflammatory to the respiratory mucosal lining. It has also been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat chest congestion.

QUERCETIN: A bioflavonoid, Quercetin taken daily can stabilize the white blood cells that are responsible for the release of histamine that accompanies allergies. Quercetin has antioxidant properties that can stabilize a hyper immune system along with a respiratory tract that has been invaded by toxins, viruses, and bacteria which lead to allergy attacks. The flavonoids found in Quercetin work an anti-inflammatory, which is useful in supporting lung health during a variety of breathing issues. The benefits of Quercetin are not limited to allergies and asthma as it is also known for supporting the body as it deals with hives, which often accompany allergic reactions. Quercetin has been experienced by many people to effectively reduce allergy attacks, hives, and other respiratory ailments that run with inflammatory immune and lung diseases. Quercetin works by inhibiting the synthesis of enzymes that can cause allergic reactions. Quercetin has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity because of its ability to directly inhibit several initial processes of inflammation. For example, it inhibits both the manufacture and release of histamine and other allergic/inflammatory mediators. Quercetin has been shown to have antiviral properties.

GUARANA (Paullinia Cupana): A study published in the Journal of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry demonstrates that guarana seed extract can be used in allergy therapy. The study revealed that guarana inhibits an allergic reaction through preventing hives. Guarana helps reduce allergic reactions induced by increases in mast cells and immunoglobulin E, IgE. Part of the normal immune system, mast cells are rich in histamine, which is the substance responsible for the allergic reactions of watery eyes, stuffy nose and inflammation. IgE is from the class of blood proteins called antibodies. This plant of many legends from Brazil contains natural caffeine and is known as a physical and mental energizer. Taken daily by millions in Brazil, Guarana is known as a blood cleanser and intestinal detoxification agent as well as an energy booster.

FENUGREEK (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum): Fenugreek is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek is one of the oldest plants recorded as having medicinal purposes. It supports people with allergies by soothing the membranes of sinuses.  It aides the body in getting rid of mucous, by working as an expectorant, which supports people with asthma and respiratory discomfort  Beneficial for lung disorders, It also aids in reducing inflammation and fever.

GOLDENSEAL ROOT (Hydrastis Candensis): A bitter herb that strengthens the immune system, acts as an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial, cleanses mucus membranes, soothes inflamed tissues, and stimulates the central nervous system. It is good for colds, flu, inflammation, and glandular swelling. Because of its hydrastine alkaloid, it is a specific for healing the mucus membranes or inflamed tissue in the body.

CAUTION: Consult your doctor before taking Goldenseal if you have high blood pressure, a bleeding disorder, a blood clotting disorder or if you take medicine to control any of these conditions.

EUCALYPTUS LEAVES (Eucalyptus Globus): The eucalyptus tree is native to Australia. The oil was used in traditional Aboriginal medicines to heal wounds and fungal infections. Teas made of eucalyptus leaves were also used to reduce fevers. Eucalyptus is also used in other traditional natural healing systems, including Chinese, Ayurvedic, Greek and European. In 19th-century England, eucalyptus oil was used in hospitals to clean equipment. Laboratory tests have shown that eucalyptus oil contains substances that kill bacteria. It also may kill some viruses and fungi. Studies in animals and test tubes also found that eucalyptus oil acts as an expectorant, meaning it loosens phlegm and has decongestant properties.

Size: 60 Capsules

Suggested Dosage: Take 1 to 2 capsules every 4 hours as needed or as directed by a Health Care Professional.

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Enzyme-Enhanced Supplements

Maximizing the Body’s Potential for Balance and Well Being

We harness the power of enzymes to improve the body’s absorption of our powerful formulas. Our proprietary “Enzyme Delivery System” (EDS) makes the difference. You get the most of every supplement by increasing the body’s response to every formula. Additionally, Professional Botanicals also uses a proprietary blend of adaptogens in every formula. Adaptogens are an elite group of botanicals that work on a cellular level to support the body’s ability to function, adjust and perform, especially during times of stress.

Required FDA disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to prevent, treat, cure, mitigate, or diagnose any disease.

NSF Independently Certified

Certified cGMP 

Made in USA

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