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Magnetic Therapy Research: Physical Rehabilitation


Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves open field locomotor recovery after low but not high thoracic spinal cord compression-injury in adult rats.

Poirrier AL, Nyssen Y, Scholtes F, Multon S, Rinkin C, Weber G, Bouhy D, Brook G, Franzen R, Schoenen J.

Research Centre for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Neuroanatomy Laboratory, University of Liege, Belgium.

Electromagnetic fields are able to promote axonal regeneration in vitro and in vivo. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is used routinely in neuropsychiatric conditions and as an atraumatic method to activate descending motor pathways. After spinal cord injury, these pathways are disconnected from the spinal locomotor generator, resulting in most of the functional deficit. We have applied daily 10 Hz rTMS for 8 weeks immediately after an incomplete high (T4-5; n = 5) or low (T10-11; n = 6) thoracic closed spinal cord compression-injury in adult rats, using 6 high- and 6 low-lesioned non-stimulated animals as controls. Functional recovery of hindlimbs was assessed using the BBB locomotor rating scale. In the control group, the BBB score was significantly better from the 7th week post-injury in animals lesioned at T4-5 compared to those lesioned at T10-11. rTMS significantly improved locomotor recovery in T10-11-injured rats, but not in rats with a high thoracic injury. In rTMS-treated rats, there was significant positive correlation between final BBB score and grey matter density of serotonergic fibres in the spinal segment just caudal to the lesion. We propose that low thoracic lesions produce a greater functional deficit because they interfere with the locomotor centre and that rTMS is beneficial in such lesions because it activates this central pattern generator, presumably via descending serotonin pathways. The benefits of rTMS shown here suggest strongly that this non-invasive intervention strategy merits consideration for clinical trials in human paraplegics with low spinal cord lesions. Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

J Neurosci Res. 2004 Jan 15; 75(2): 253-61.

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Electromagnetic radiation of extra high frequency as a method of rehabilitation after surgical treatment of tubal-peritoneal infertility.

Strugatskii VM, Silant'eva ES.

Seventy-four patients entered the placebo-controlled study of rehabilitation EHF therapy 1 month after surgical laparoscopy for tubal-peritoneal infertility. It was found that early EHF therapy corrects hemodynamics in small pelvis vasculature characteristic for chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages thus raising the rate of impregnation.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2003 May-Jun;(3):35-7.

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Spine Fusion for discogenic low back pain: outcomes in patients treated with or without pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation.

Marks RA.

Richardson Orthopaedic Surgery, Texas 75080, USA.

Sixty-one randomly selected patients who underwent lumbar fusion surgeries for discogenic low back pain between 1987 and 1994 were retrospectively studied. All patients had failed to respond to preoperative conservative treatments. Forty-two patients received adjunctive therapy with pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) stimulation, and 19 patients received no electrical stimulation of any kind. Average follow-up time was 15.6 months postoperatively. Fusion succeeded in 97.6% of the PEMF group and in 52.6% of the unstimulated group (P < .001). The observed agreement between clinical and radiographic outcome was 75%. The use of PEMF stimulation enhances bony bridging in lumbar spinal fusions. Successful fusion underlies a good clinical outcome in patients with discogenic low back pain.

Adv Ther. 2000 Mar-Apr;17(2):57-67.

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Use of artificial magnetic field for rehabilitation of children with malignant tumors.

Kiselev AV, Grushina TI.

N.N. Blokhin Center for Oncology Research, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow.

Local complications of standard intravenous injections for chemotherapy and due to error of administration were compared in 400 patients (200 of them children) and general wound pathologies described. Treatment for wounds included two modalities: standard medication and alternating or pulsating magnetic field. Magnetic therapy proved highly effective: wound healing was 3-3.5 times faster while duration of treatment--2-3 times shorter than in standard procedure. Clinically-verified partial adhesion-related intestinal obstruction was eliminated by magnetic procedure in 18 children after combined treatment for lymphosarcoma involving the ileum.

Vopr Onkol. 2000;46(4):469-72.

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The influence of permanent magnetic field therapy on wound healing in suction lipectomy patients: a double-blind study.

Man D, Man B, Plosker H.

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Laser Center, Boca Raton, Fla., USA. info@drman.com

The authors present their experience with the healing influence of permanent magnets on postoperative wounds. The responses of 20 patients who underwent suction lipectomy and postoperative negative magnetic field therapy were studied in a double-blind fashion. Magnets in the form of patches (10 patients) or sham magnet patches (10 patients) were placed over the operative region in each of the patients. Pain, edema, and discoloration (ecchymosis) were evaluated at 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 14 days postoperatively. Our results show that the treatment group had significant reductions in pain on postoperative days 1 through 7, in edema on days 1 through 4, and in discoloration on days 1 through 3 when compared with the control group. These results demonstrated that commercially available magnets have a positive influence on the postoperative healing process in suction lipectomy patients.

Plast Reconstr Surg. 1999 Dec;104(7):2261-6; discussion 2267-8.

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Multilevel magnetic and electrical stimulation in the combined treatment of neurosurgical patients.

Tyshkevich TG, Bersnev VP, Ponomarenko GN.

The program of rehabilitation of neurosurgical patients with effective physical methods (multilayer magnetic and electric stimulation, scanning laser therapy, QHF therapy) has been used in 265 patients with functional disorders because of nervous affection. The program reduced the treatment duration and improved the quality of treatment of neurosurgical patients.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1999 Nov-Dec;(6):27-30.

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Theory of multichannel magnetic stimulation: toward functional neuromuscular rehabilitation.

Ruohonen J, Ravazzani P, Grandori F, Ilmoniemi RJ.

BioMag Laboratory, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland. jarmo@biomag.helsinki.fi

Human excitable cells can be stimulated noninvasively with externally applied time-varying electromagnetic fields. The stimulation can be achieved either by directly driving current into the tissue (electrical stimulation) or by means of electro-magnetic induction (magnetic stimulation). While the electrical stimulation of the peripheral neuromuscular system has many beneficial applications, peripheral magnetic stimulation has so far only a few. This paper analyzes theoretically the use of multiple magnetic stimulation coils to better control the excitation and also to eventually mimic electrical stimulation. Multiple coils allow electronic spatial adjustment of the shape and location of the stimulus without moving the coils. The new properties may enable unforeseen uses for peripheral magnetic stimulation, e.g., in rehabilitation of patients with neuromuscular impairment.

IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1999 Jun;46(6):646-51.

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Low-frequency pulsed magnetotherapy combined with electrostimulation of biologically active points in the combined treatment of traumatic mandibular osteomyelitis.

Korotkikh NG, Oreshkin AV.

The results of treatment are analyzed in 51 patients (35 with exacerbation of chronic traumatic mandibular osteomyelitis and 16 with chronic traumatic mandibular osteomyelitis). Low-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy of the focus in combination with electric stimulation of segmentary bioactive points, synchronized by the patient's pulse, are proposed to be added to the therapeutic complex. Such a modality improved the regional hemodynamics, promoted liquidation of the postoperative edema on days 1-2 after intervention, and sooner than after traditional therapy repaired the energy of the patient's organism.

Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1999;78(5):35-8.

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Magnetic and electrical stimulation in the rehabilitative treatment of patients with organic lesions of the nervous system.

Tyshkevich TG, Nikitina VV.

A. L. Polenov Russian Science Research Neurosurgical Institute, St. Petersburg.

Studies were performed on 89 patients with organic lesions of the nervous system in which the leading clinical symptoms consisted of paralysis and pareses. Patients received complex treatment, including pulsed magnetic fields and an electrical stimulation regime producing multilevel stimulation. A control group of 49 patients with similar conditions was included, and these patients received only sinusoidal currents. Combined treatment with magnetic and electrical stimulation was more effective, as indicated by radiographic and electromyographic investigations.

Neurosci Behav Physiol. 1998 Sep-Oct;28(5):594-7.

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Magnetic fields in physical therapy. Experience in orthopedics and traumatology rehabilitation.

Borg MJ, Marcuccio F, Poerio AM, Vangone A.

Servizio di Recupero e Rieducazione Funzionale, Ospedale CTO-ASL 1-Napoli.

The present research is based on the premise that magnetic fields stimulate biological tissues, as many international works assert. They believe in the real aid of this therapeutical treatment in orthopedy and traumatology. The authors work in Rehabilitation Department of a traumatological hospital, so they have studied therapeutical results in ELF magnetotherapy on their patients for as long as six months.

Minerva Med. 1996 Oct;87(10):495-7.

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Use of permanent magnetic field in reconstructive surgery of the main arteries (experimental study).

Lud GV, Demeckiy AM.

Department of Surgery, Vitebsk Medical Institute, USSR.

To achieve better results in reconstructive surgery on the main arteries using venous graft, the authors used a permanent magnetic field from different sources: elastic magnets with external effect and absorbable magnets implanted into the surgical wound. This physical source was found to possess the following effects: stimulation of the central and peripheral blood flow, hypercoagulation prevention, reduction on edema and inflammation. The restored specific properties of these magnetic sources should be taken into account in the selection and use during the postoperative period.

Acta Chir Plast 1990;32(1):28-34.

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