Teratological studies of prenatal exposure of mice to a 20 kHz sawtooth magnetic field.
Kim SH, Song JE, Kim SR, Oh H, Gimm YM, Yoo DS, Pack JK, Lee YS.
College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University, Kwangju, South Korea. yslee@kcch.re.kr
In order to evaluate the importance of gestational age in possible
effects due to exposure to a 20 kHz sawtooth magnetic field, pregnant
ICR mice at gestational 2.5-15.5 days post-coitus, which is the most
sensitive stage for the induction of major congenital malformations,
were exposed in a carrousel irradiator. The mice were exposed to a 20
kHz intermediate frequency (IF) sawtooth magnetic field had a 6.5 microT
peak intensity for 8 h/day. The animals were sacrificed on the 18th day
of gestation; and the fetuses were examined for mortality, growth
retardation, changes in head size, and other morphological
abnormalities. From the above conditions, it is concluded that the
exposure to a 20 kHz sawtooth magnetic field with 6.5 microT peak
intensity does not inflict any adverse effect on fetuses of pregnant
mice. Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2004 Feb;25(2):114-7.
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Apparent biological effect of strong magnetic field on mosquito egg hatching.
Pan H, Liu X.
Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Apparent biological effects of strong magnetic fields were observed
in the hatching behavior of fresh mosquito eggs in the center of 9.4 and
14.1 T magnets. In the first experiment performed at 20 +/- 1 degrees
C, the hatching was delayed 32 h by a 9.4 T magnetic field and 71 h by a
14.1 T magnetic field. In the second experiment performed at 22 +/- 1
degrees C, the hatching was delayed 14 h by a 9.4 T magnetic field and
27 h by a 14.1 T magnetic field. In the magnetic field range of this
study, the hatching delay increases nonlinearly with the intensity of
the magnetic field. The experimental results also suggest that the
biological effects of magnetic fields could be reversible or partially
reversible to some extent. Bioelectromagnetics 25:84-91, 2004. Copyright
2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2004 Feb; 25(2): 84-91.
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Induction of primary root curvature in radish seedlings in a static magnetic field.
Yano A, Hidaka E, Fujiwara K, Iimoto M.
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, Matsudo, Chiba, Japan. yano@midori.h.chiba-u.ac.jp
Primary roots of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seedlings were exposed
to an inhomogeneous static magnetic field generated by a permanent
magnet, during continuous rotation on a 0.06 rpm clinostat, thereby
reducing the unilateral influence of gravity. The roots responded
tropically to the static magnetic field with the tropism appearing to be
negative. These roots responded significantly (P < 0.05) to the
south pole of the magnet. The significant tropic response was found for a
magnetic flux density of 13-68 mT, for a field gradient of 1.8-14.7
T/m, and for the product of magnetic field and field gradient of
0.023-1.0 T(2)/m. A small, but significant, response of the roots to the
north pole has also been found. Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2001 Apr;22(3):194-9.
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Use of biomagnetic therapy to encourage growth in preterm neonates.
Diane K. Cody, RNC is NICU Staff Nurse, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield WA
James D. Moran, LAc, DA, CAAP CAS is a Certified Acupuncture
Physician, Certified Addictions Specialist, and Member of Pain Program
Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA, USA.
Baby Alex was born on May 30, 1998 at 26 weeks gestation at Baystate
Medical Center Children's Hospital in Springfield, MA. During his first
day of life, he required very little respiratory to support. He was
weaned briefly to a cannula on the second day of his life. His
reintubation chest x-ray showed widespread pulmonary interstitial
emphysema. He went on to develop severe broncopulmonary dyspasia (BPD)
and required tremendous ventilatory support for the rest of his life.
Alex received standard medical care for his BUD. At the request of his
family, static biomagnetic therapy was instituted beginning on day 72 of
An Ancient Cure:
Stationary magnets have been used for centuries by cultures
throughout the world. However, it has only been until recently that
serious scientific investigation has demonstrated a capability for
magnets to diminish pain, speed healing of soft tissue and bone, reduce
anxiety and depression, reduce fibromyalgia and arthritic pain, and
promote general weilness.1 Some of the known mechanisms for these
responses include the "Hall effect," "increased blood flow, and
stimulation of autonomic function, ATP, beta endorphins, melatonin, and
The role of static biomagnetic fields in enhancing melatonin release
by stimulating the pineal gland, retina, and intestinal tract can have
many positive biological effects. Chief among these is the stimulation
of human growth hormone.3
Alex's Magnetic Therapy:
The basic setup of Alex's magnets was fairly simple. Alex slept on a
14 inch by 24-inch pad that had 40 flat rectangular magnets inside. Each
magnet had a rating of 3950 gauss. All of the magnets had the North
Pole facing the baby and the South Pole facing the bed. There was a
large 4 inch by 6 inch magnet which was half and inch wide situated
perpendicular to the bed and positioned at the top of the magnetic pad.
This magnet was also 3950 gauss and the North Pole faced Alex. The top
of Alex's head was about 3 inches away from this larger magnet.
The specific benefits Alex received from magnetic therapy are
difficult to separate from the benefits of his medical care. His primary
caregivers did observe two main differences between Alex and other BPD
patients: relaxed muscle tone and enhanced growth.
Before magnetic therapy, Alex's shoulder and neck muscles were
extremely tight and sensitive to an" touch or manipulation.
Subjectively, many nurses and Alex's family saw reduced muscle tension
after therapy began. Alex did not have the pronounced neck and back
arching p05ture that many BPD infants exhibit. Since Baystate's NICU
does not have any type of objective standard for documenting muscle
tension, this observation is difficult to quantify
Alex did grow very well during his magnetic therapy. The slope of his
growth curve increased after his magnetic therapy began. Compared to
three previous patients on the unit with fatal BPD, Alex was the only
one who was on a growth course, which if projected, would intersect with
the normal growth curve. The others were on curves parallel to and
below the norm. BPD infants have reduced rates of growth and may not
catch up with their peers until ages 3 to 10.
The magnetic effect regarding human growth hormone stimulation may in part account for Alex's increased growth rate.
Despite extraordinary growth, Alex died of unknown causes at 125 days
on October 2, 1998. There was no sign of cor pulmonale on his last
cardiac echocardiogram 2 weeks prior to his death. His short life made
an enormous ripple in our NICU regarding magnets and their effects on
living organisms.
It is difficult if not impossible to tease out one facet of treatment
and conclude a causal relationship. Further research in biomagnetic
therapy with preterm neonates may support the effects seen in Alex 5
case, especially in the BPD population where growth can have a strong
impact on survival.
Neonatal Netw. 1999 Sep;18(6):63-4.
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