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Health Magnetic Store

Magnetic Pearls

Entire Necklace & Bracelet is all magnetic!

We believe (by personal experience and thousands of clients testimony) that these magnetic pearls may heal our bodies through the magnetic therapy they provide, utilizing the strength of each magnet to help assist circulation and balance the electromagnetic energy of the body.

All our contemporary style high power magnetic jewelry is twice as powerful than other magnetic jewelry seen elsewhere. Each pearl bracelet and necklace are made with high powered magnetic hematite stones that are 1,000-1,500 gauss each. They also come with a strong silver ferrite 2,500 gauss magnetic clasp which makes it easy to put and off. Great gift for her!

Each necklace and bracelet carries a breath of simple beauty.  These are perfect to wear daytime work, meetings, appointments, etc., or for an evening out as they give you the flexibility of the style that allows it to be used casual, elegant and comfortable, at the same time receiving the magnetic health benefits as you wear them.

Available colors:

  • Pearl White/Cream
  • Hematite Black
  • Black
  • Black and White (limited quantities)

Available pearl size 6mm and 8mm of diameter:

Each pearl in 6mm is a high power bipolar magnet of  1000 gauss.

Each pearl in 8mm is a high power bipolar magnet of 1500 gauss.

The clasp is a pair of 2500 gauss high power magnets

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