Día de la Mujer | Women’s Day – 20% OFF Biomagnetic Jewelry Code MUJER valid until Monday
Health Magnetic Store

Bone, Joints & Muscles

These group of products are well balanced and can handle almost any soft tissue, acute or chronic injury one could experience. Since we become 22 years of age our joints physiologically begin to need nutrition. It must be due to the constant movement and / or forces that we expose to our bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

  • Support the health of your bones, joints and muscles with powerful ingredients like Vitamin D3, Magnesium and Calcium. 
  • You’ll find herbs like Turmeric and Ginger Root, which support your body without the negative side effects that come from using products with harmful or toxic ingredients.
  • Support our body and Musculoskeletal systems ability to manage the stress, and discomfort of every day life.
  • Formulas for muscles and relaxations includes known natural relaxants like Valerian Root, Passiflora extract and Magnesium, which support the overall purpose of relaxation.
  • Nutrition and support for inflammation of disc, ligaments or tendons with glucosamine sulfate and MSM.
  • Supplements containing natural analgesic, like white willow bark and magnesium salicylate.
  • Topical analgesics for pain and inflammation.

These are extremely beneficial,  and results are forthcoming.

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